no matter how many times i do it , there's an allusion to a move . 《何度やっても 引っ越しの暗示が出るわね》
as an allusion to this event the title ' ise monogatari ' was adopted . この事件の暗示として「伊勢物語」の名称が採られた。
according to nihonshoki , amenouzume reveals her breasts and has her " mohimo " (kind of a skirt ) dangle under her belly (when she serves sarutahiko ), and this is seen as an allusion to amenouzume ' s sexual relations with sarutahiko . 日本書紀には、天宇受売神は胸乳を露わにし裳帯(もひも)を臍の下に垂らしたとあるので、性的な所作をもって相対したことになる。